Hi my name is Dixon Nacey…

…I am a 39 year old musician, teacher, husband and happy father of three amazing young boys. For over 23 years I have been playing guitar, teaching music and performing in bands. I have helped hundreds of musicians achieve their musical goals and have spent my entire life devoted to helping others through music.

I have always been a passionate enthusiast of music, even as a young child, I loved to sing (badly) and make up melodies out of little things I’d hear in my head, usually tagged on to lines from songs I’d heard on the radio or my Fathers LP player.

This passion for musical creativity has sustained me and strengthened my resolve through 1000’s of hours of practice, study, performances, teaching and hard work. And, it still guides me today – because despite everything I’ve learned, I am still a humble student of this mysterious gift we call jazz guitar, I still hunger to approach my creativity like a child discovering it for the first time!

In this video below you will hear a few testimonies from friends I have met along the way. Sorry if it is a bit self promoting, but it is the highest quality video shoot I have been a part of so it would be a shame to waste the footage!

It is about 6min long and it has some info about my background and journey. Feel free to watch it or keep reading…


Our passion is to help like minded people discover the same freedom and joy that I have found in studying and playing jazz. Yes I have a list of credentials I could list here to try and “sell” you this site, but that is not  my style. We are looking for the right people to join us here at JGL.

We are specialist boutique membership site that is specifically focused on jazz guitar. Playing jazz guitar is not a sub-genre or course topic. It is a foundational teaching methodology which benefits “all other” styles of playing from pop, rock, hip hop and RnB and every style you can think of.

We have the team and the vision to take this website into the future. If you would like to see something developed on the site please join with us to help us to make it happen. We also offer a partnership program where you can earn your free membership and even make a decent income.

Who we are not…

We are not a big faceless site with millions of anonymous members. There are countless “membership” sites out there who bombard you with 1000’s of lessons in the hope that you will get what you need. We are boutique membership site with dedicated and committed members who “get” jazz guitar and are wanting to grow and learn together.

We are not a quick fix easy as 1,2,3 site. Despite what marketing claims people make about giving you the “secret pill” we believe that mastering any instrument requires, regular and consistent effort, a “can do” attitude and a willingness to learn.

We are not static website. Our strength is in our members, therefore the foundation of what we do is a reflection of the people who join us. Without our members we would not exist, so we are here to create and fulfill your needs!

Our Core Beliefs (Vision)

To build a thriving community of Guitarists of all ages and all nationalities who will journey together to unravel the mysteries and beauty of playing jazz guitar.

Continual improvement. It doesn’t matter where you start as long as you are heading down the right pathway. We endeavor to lead and guide our members through the right pathways to discover their guitar voice (their unique expression of creativity).

Involvement and participation is the way that we grow. Anyone can go on to YouTube and watch a bunch of random lessons but without people “real learning” will not happen.


So what can you expect from this site?

On this site you will find all the gems that I have picked up along the way as a university teacher and musician (some people pay more than $7000 a year to learn these lessons from me!).

My approach is simple. I will communicate with you as clearly as possible one concept or a group of concepts in each lesson. Some of these lessons are 2min some of them are 20mins. You will be required to master and practice each lesson in your own time.

As the site grows we are developing learning pathways for different levels of Guitarists. Jazz 101, Jazz 201 and Jazz 301 will offer three levels of learning with the option of self assessed sequential learning available soon. We are working hard on this now! As you can imagine shooting editing and uploading 100’s of lessons has been a real challenge for us but the site is coming along nicely. At the moment we have about 160 lessons you can access with more on the way.